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Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Event Request Form

Click here to open the date picker
Click here to open the date picker
Locations are subject to availability and are not guaranteed.
The Event Contact will be notified if the 1st Choice is not available.
Equipment Needs (subject to availability)
For Parish Hall Only:
Sound needs for the Sanctuary must be arranged by the event contact.
Presenter will provide own computer:
Special Instructions or additional Information:
You may draw a set-up diagram on a separate page where required and submit to the facilities deapartment, or upload it with this form.
I understand that all groups requesting facilities are in charge of their own clean-up unless otherwise arranged. The event contact is responsible for ensuring all school property is returned to its original location.
As the event contact, I have coordinated with the front office and/or teacher as appropriate. Include name here.
Parent's are invited?
I understand that if it is less than 7 days before the event, it may not be possible to approve this request. Requests should be submitted at least four (4) weeks prior to event.
Are any 3rd party vendors (caterers, entertainment, rentals, etc) participating in the event?